About Hungry


I am a writer and food enthusiast looking to share my thoughts and recipes with hungry friends.

For years, my dining companions have teased me about my sometimes off-putting love of reading restaurant menus, experimenting in the kitchen, planning my international trips around snacks I want to try as well as zealously recommending places and things to eat for the people I love.

Since starting this blog in February 2017, I have learned exactly how much there is to appreciate about Calgary’s foodie community. I am so grateful for the people I’ve met, the venues I’ve enjoyed and the incredible foods I’ve eaten. As part of my efforts to create high quality Calgary-based content, I joined Food Bloggers of Canada, declared my blog to be Made in YYC and was named one of “10 Calgary Foodie Instagrams You Need to Follow” by Vern Magazine.

I’ve eaten in North America, South America, Africa, Asia and Europe, but always find my way home to be hungry in Calgary, Alberta.
